Customer Surveys

If you have made a purchase from us, we are interested to know about your experience of our website, the product, our service, or any other experience you may have had while interacting with us. For this reason, you may receive an email from us where you are invited to answer some questions and give us feedback. 

You can also choose if you want us to contact you based on the feedback you have provided. Participating in the survey is voluntary.

The surveys are part of our customer service work and ensuring that customers have the best experience, and for this reason, we consider that we have a legitimate interest in processing your personal data. If we provide further service based on your feedback about purchased products this will be made based on the purchase agreement we have with you.

If you unsubscribe, all your data including customer survey information, will be erased unless there is another legal ground for keeping your data (such as a valid purchase contract or an ongoing customer service matter. Opt-out from survey invitations is possible through a link in the email invite or by contacting